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What's New At POGAD:
Change, change, change....yeah, for the better (yeah, ok, so it's the K-Mart theme, I know).
As any POGAD member knows, we've been having some...ahem..."issues" the past couple of months. The original site was shut down when the moderator, Elice, left the list, and this one was opened when Crystal and Heather took over.

Well, Autumn and I, Megan, have been asked to work on the page. We're going to make it bigger and better than ever! Not that there was anything wrong with it before, but there's always room for improvement! And, we're always open to suggestions, but please keep in mind, though, that Autumn has limited online time, plus has to deal with the hells of junior high, while I, though I have unlimited internet access, have limited time; college takes up lots of time. So, bear with us as this will take some time.

To Contact One Of Us:
Write to Megan at Gillian_Anderson_Duchovny@yahoo.com

or Autumn at Audi16@juno.com